Actually, there is no need to join the cavalry, but 1914-1918-online, the global online encyclopaedia on the First World War, is looking for academic contributions on further topics. It already consists of more than 1,000 high-quality, peer-reviewed articles in English from hundreds of international academic authors. Beyond the classic A-Z approach of any encyclopaedia, these open-source, but scholarly fully citable articles can be accessed via specific themes such as media or home front, through a timeline or specific regions. Hundreds of images and a truly helpful international bibliography are further assets of this unique project on the First World War.
Why don’t you join in and answer the call for papers? The current list includes dozens of most wanted topics such as the Hero Cult, the Soldiers’ Rations, and Medals and Decorations, but also biographical entries on Benedetto Croce, Paşa Hafız Hakkı, Henry Morgenthau Sr. and others, as well as articles on Armenia, the Stockholm Conference – and not the least the cavalry.
Please read the full call for papers from 1914-1918-online for further information.