Mihai Grecu: „we’ll become oil“ (Hengesbach Gallery, Berlin)

From 30 April to 9 July 2011, Berlin-based Hengesbach Gallery presents the impressive 8-mins video “we’ll become oil” by Mihai Grecu, born in 1981 in Sebeș (Romania): Attack helicopters appear in an empty desert. After flying some artistic patterns together, they suddenly crash into each other. A cut leads the film to its next scene: a massive wall of flames and thick black smoke is generated by a huge fire, obviously of burning oil. Its destructive power is supported by a both hypnotic and dark sound.

Just recently, the artist showed his equally fascinating video “centipede sun” during the European Media Art Festival (EMAF) in Osnabruck. The new work ”we’ll become oil“ will be premiered at Hengesbach Gallery. This exhibition is also part of the forthcoming Gallery Weekend Berlin (29 April to 1 May 2011).

Mihai Grecu: “we’ll become oil”
30 April to 9 July 2011, Tu-Sa 1100-1800h
Opening: 29 April 2011, 1800h

Hengesbach Gallery
Charlottenstr. 1
10969 Berlin

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