Tag: Sicherheitspolitik
Wartist Presents: „Landscapes & Memory“ – Photos by Jo Röttger, Bavarian Army Museum (Ingolstadt)
On 28 May 2013, the exhibition „Landscapes & Memory“ by Hamburg-based photographer Jo Röttger will open at Bayerisches Armeemuseum (Bavarian Army Museum) in Ingolstadt. In 27 large-format photos with their picture language that reminds of romanticism, Röttger approaches landscapes and identity while addressing desire and alienation as well as the ongoing war in Afghanistan. A bilingual catalogue will be published on the occasion of the exhibition, curated by Martin Bayer (Wartist).
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“Einzelplan 14” is celebrating its First Birthday
The highly interesting (but only German) blog “Einzelplan 14” on security policy could celebrate its first birthday yesterday. We would like to gratulate on this occasion: in this short period, this blog developed into a worthwhile source for analyses and links, including a schedule for events concerning these matters.
A camo cake for birthday! Continue reading ““Einzelplan 14” is celebrating its First Birthday”
“Mother Motherland” (Kiev) and more works by Vuchetich
In today’s issue of FAZ, Germany’s most important newspaper, the Ukrainian author Yuri Andrukhovych (“The Secret”) describes the problematic handling of democracy in his motherland in his article “Bitte beobachten Sie mein Land! – Was soll die Ukraine in Europa?” (Please observe my country! – What does Ukraine suppose to be in Europe?). He also refers to the re-emerging adoration for Stalin (see also our article on the new Stalin memorial in Zaporizhia).

“Augen geradeaus!” is back alive
Thomas Wigold is one of the few versed German journalists who are specialised on defence matters. His blog Augen geradeaus! (Eyes front!)1was always a pleasure to read. Unfortunately, it was disused for a few months; from today, the blog is back alive and can be reached under a new address.
Continue reading ““Augen geradeaus!” is back alive”
- Augen geradeaus! in German does not only mean the military command “Eyes front!”, but also the advice to look ahead. ↩